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At Year Ninth We Keep on Walking on the Path of Humanics






The Humanicsxian: September 09: Issue 04
|| ΕΛ || Elleesium Group of Publications || The Humanion || The Ellaarch Humanion ||  The Humanicsxian ||  The Humanion Portable  || ΕΛ ||

|| The Humanion: Year Ninth: The Elleesium: Sunday: September 24: 2023 || Humanics: To End the Savagery Called Capitalism ||

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First Published: September 24: 2015

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The Elleesium: England: UK: Year Eighth: Day 360: Tuesday: September 19: 2023: Cogito Ergo Sum: Descartes

Elleesium Group of Publications





I Question Therefore I Learn

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The Elleesium Bank of Copyrightfree Works

Poetry is the Voice of Me in You and You in Me

The Elleesium Poetry Festival
















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The Elleesium Bank of Copyrightfree Works



The Humanion launches The Elleesium Bank of Copyrightfree Works today, October 14, 2015 to seek to establish a Bank, collections of contemporary works of art: in the broadest possible meaning of the word: that are copyrighted to the 'artists' and cannot be used 'publicly' even if the artist is dead, since the copyrights last another 80 years from the death of the artist. It is hoped that the individual artists and in case of the artists being deceased, their Estates giving some pieces of works to this Bank so that they can be used and enjoyed by the wider public who otherwise may not be able to do so.

This is particularly, important for the contemporary living artists who may not enjoy such renown as to be able to command a global audience; yet their works are of such quality and importance that people should know about them. To set the Bank up, hereby, Munayem Mayenin, Editor of The Humanion, offers the following nine pieces of published works to The Elleesium Bank of Copyrightfree Works:TEBCW: which means anyone can use them FREELY so long they follow the Rules of the Bank which are set out bellow:

1. That the 'user' always clearly, without fail, mention the name of the author, the title of the book from which the work has been selected and the source of the work as being The Elleesium Bank of Copyrightfree Works:TEBCW. No one needs any other permission to use these materials available on The Bank.

2. That any publication in the business of advancing all the branches of Sciences, Mathematics, Arts and Thoughts can use these materials in agreement with the Rules of the Bank so long as they do not use these materials for advertising purposes.

3. That all organisations anywhere in the world may use these materials in agreement with the Rules of the Bank if they are not for profit:charities, even in advertisements

4. That no political parties:pressure groups etc may use these materials in promotional purposes

5. That no organisation:person in the business of advancing prejudice, hatred, violence and disharmony against people of any kind may use these materials

6. That Schools:Colleges:Universities:any:all Educational institutions may use these materials for their stated purposes.

7. That these works, though offered to be used:enjoyed Freely by the public, remain morally copyrighted to their 'artists'.

8. That these materials may not be used in anything that is against human decency and good taste.

9. That to share the product of what we create is part of our humanity which should always be a celebration of good faith and human endeavours.

If you would like to offer your published works to The Bank, please, write to The Editor, in the first instance. Please, do not send works which you would send later. Write to editor at thehumanion dot com  with Subject Line: TEBCW

In Relation to The Works Submitted to The Bank

a. That they are published works in books, ebooks, magazines, journals, zines, little magazines, periodicals, reviews and newspapers. However, The Bank is not obliged to accept and publish any:all material:s submitted on The Bank Page. The works accepted by The Bank shall be periodically added to The Bank Page. Apart from accepting and informing the acceptance The Bank shall not enter into further communications with the 'donor':s their agent.

b. That 'The Artist' who is offering the items is the copyright holder of the works being submitted.

c. That once gifted they cannot be withdrawn because a gift cannot be asked back.

d. That The Elleesium Bank of Copyrightfree Works:TEBCW does not stand as the copyright holder of the gifted items nor does it act as a party between the users and the artists. It is an open gift-platform. This effectively means The Bank does not and cannot take any legal responsibilities arising from the use of these materials.

My Dùn Èideann

Image: Scotland Official Gateway to Scotland

Set up on October 14, 2015

Please, note, the materials published  ONLY on this page of The Bank are copyright free

Dùn Èideann forever making the sky cry
Majestic hilly reaches castling the heaven
When I drove through you you caverned
In my depth so silently that words almost
Hurt and in rain there was still sun raining
On you shining this glory of high-heaven

You radiant glistening a goddess out of sea
White silver black purple in rain-sun duo
Silver a wet mirror of the crying sky happy
Even in crying for who will not cry if they
Loved you and if they want to hold you
I was crying almost as I left through your
Heaven-sprung open doorway to the north

See in epic imagination
Across times and geographies
Heavens always rose like grand roses on
The hyacinth heights of lands
And you are no myth but Eden
Sung into the rising myths of my being: youden
You Dun Eideann
You Eeden in my eyes
You who hide my eyes in your expanse
Eeden Edinburgh The hyacinth heights of lands
Your majestic hilly reaches castling the heaven
Swaying my heart like the wind on Edinburgh Bridge

Your palms forming this wayward high
Wired letting go the bridge in coral steel
High-heaven punctuated a regalia passage
The Athens of the North you were Athena
On my back as I drove through your heart
Inverness-bound I was already Edinburgh-
Lost and you spoke: ‘You will come back!

Won’t you? Won’t you?’ As the curtain of
Steel frames ran passed my window wet
By lines of silver rain drops that formed
Fluid sphered silverine eyes I had no word
To speak for I was still feeling the heat of
The stamp of your stamp on my heart mute

See in epic imagination
Across times and geographies
Heavens always rose like grand roses on
The hyacinth heights of lands
And you are no myth but Eden
Sung into the rising myths of my being: youden
You Dun Eideann
You Eeden in my eyes
You who hide my eyes in your expanse
Eeden Edinburgh The hyacinth heights of lands
Your majestic hilly reaches castling the heaven
Swaying my heart like the wind on Edinburgh Bridge

I did come back to you once again to flow over
Your hair of lights sky-ionised gold-brown shine
That fostered the day into an airy fairy flow of
Goings on of people over the tenements and roads
I did come back and oh the funfair of a happy you
I was mirroring an ocean holding you swimming

I did come back and stopped on reality’s raw door
Pizza Hut lunch car parking and getting even a
Ticket to show I was and you too were in another
Place-shape-continuum yet did I sing Did I get it
The wounds in my soul as you marked the lovebites
You must now know Must you now know Eeden

See in epic imagination
Across times and geographies
Heavens always rose like grand roses on
The hyacinth heights of lands
And you are no myth but Eden
Sung into the rising myths of my being: youden
You Dun Eideann
You Eeden in my eyes
You who hide my eyes in your expanse
Eeden Edinburgh The hyacinth heights of lands
Your majestic hilly reaches castling the heaven
Swaying my heart like the wind on Edinburgh Bridge

And I left towards Glasgow on my back your eyes
Where I was all two floating images getting smaller
You were no image but a light-crafted-goddess and
Always getting wider deeper broader and deepening
I was forever listening to this call to go back to go back
And will I ever do For I am no Scot you know I am not

Will there ever be a Burns night for me! Will you ever
Dance with me bringing heaven and earth skin to skin
Face to face? Your breathe making me an ocean rising
And mine forming you into a rising bloom of your soul
Will you ever take me to the Hogmanay and kiss me to
Madness so that the cold becomes our skin-cashmere

See in epic imagination
Across times and geographies
Heavens always rose like grand roses on
The hyacinth heights of lands
And you are no myth but Eden
Sung into the rising myths of my being: youden
You Dun Eideann
You Eeden in my eyes
You who hide my eyes in your expanse
Eeden Edinburgh The hyacinth heights of lands
Your majestic hilly reaches castling the heaven
Swaying my heart like the wind on Edinburgh Bridge

Even if not I will keep you in the breast of my soul
Hiding like Lochness Monster people will forever
Wonder and ponder and still there will be more to
Find the grandeur that you planted in my eyes and
Deeper soil of my soul that will be singing your name
Do grant me a space to be a cloud a flower in your hair

Does it matter that I made you into a Myth? Does it
At all matter that I made you into a goddess and my
Self an ocean and you are forever swimming over my
Waters and playing on with my waves singing away
For you are my Dun Eideann you are my Eeden Eden
I am happy being your ocean stay a goddess singing

See in epic imagination
Across times and geographies
Heavens always rose like grand roses on
The hyacinth heights of lands
And you are no myth but Eden
Sung into the rising myths of my being: youden
You Dun Eideann
You Eeden in my eyes
You who hide my eyes in your expanse
Eeden Edinburgh The hyacinth heights of lands
Your majestic hilly reaches castling the heaven
Swaying my heart like the wind on Edinburgh Bridge

Laranskan Elleesium: Poems in the novel Laranska The Anatomy of Fear: Munayem Mayenin: ISBN: 978-1-4452-6197-3: First Published: January 2010. Added to the Bank on April 02:2017

The Hippocratic Oath: An Ellaran

First Ell: Ella

I swear with
That what makes the sacred sanctum
Of humanity and that is
Divine life’s flow

On earth that I
Will keep alive my will solid
To follow this oath the best of my
Skill and will full

That I endear
Their lights of wisdom and teachings
Those of all my teachers in this
Craft as I do

To my parents’
Love guidance and wisdom and care
And warmth compassion and tolerance
In resonance

Second Ell: Lara

That all I seek
Is always one
The best of her
Or him the one

The patient whose
Ailment I seek
To better with
My best that I

Command both in
And judgements that
Seek well always

That I seek with
My highest best
Good for her and
Do her no harm

Third Ell: Raine

And that I will always seek to
Sing life and its sacred sanctum
And refuse to harm even if asked for my gifts of
The sciences and arts are to heal

And to offer a lending
Hand to release pain and thus I
Will not cause life’s end no matter how it is asked
I will always seek to call to heal

I will treat my craft as pure
As lights so will I keep my life
And will only walk on known paths of my knowledge
And seek on others’ skills where needed

I will enter a house with
Pure an aim which is formed as the
Best that I could fathom for the ill forsaking
All ills whoever the patient is

Fourth Ell: Aranya

That I will keep
The confidence
And trust that I gain of patients
I will keep them guarded always

That I be pure
In will and in
All my judgements that I make to
Heal that may I let be on course

To learn as I
Go practising
My sciences and arts and live on
Respected for my toils and joys

Should I fall and
Fail to uphold
The gifted honour that I was
Given must I fall down from grace

Larantia Poetry of Anatophysiophilosophicamonimayareginata: By Munayem Mayenin; 2nd Edition, Published by, Imsonium Books, ISBN: 978-1-326-28882-2, June 12, 2015


Seagull Liberty

Recalling the way after taking in the Zero Ground’s
Awed-silence piercing a demonstration of mute-hurts
Manhattan still did shine on beneath the graceful sun
Bedazzling the pigeons making a print work of grey

On the green softened by the tree-shadows where
I walked going home to face the bay penned out in
A fluorescent sun-rain over the waves and the wind
Danced on her choreograph highlighting the silence

The Statue of Liberty risen-high and in all that lights
And the shimmering radiation of the moist hot earth
I faced the water’s welcome by a rusty quiet iron-bar

Where she sat contemplating as though a-dreaming
The seagull whose magnitude of silence moved me
I took in all her seagull liberties as my solitude-bow

Seagull Liberty's Poetwrheath : By Munayem Mayenin, Published by Imsonium Books, ISBN: 978-1-291-13793-4, First Published: October 25, 2012


October Avenue of Lights

On a sudden response to a surely sole urge I
Got off the bus one step before my destination

And began walking as if ahead I had something
Serene and thriving waiting to be witnessed spellbound

I stepped onto the Bridge-an October avenue of lights
Letting the water blown wet wind paint invisible works

On the canvas of my face, blowing my hair with
A live thriving coolness that brings something magical

Out of oneself and I became a welcome passing through
Visitor who would keep the melodies of these memories

Treasured and water these as though they were diamond
Geraniums waiting to propagate into spectacles of silence

As I walked on the bridge I looked at the fulsome-young
Trembling river where wind played out a living-dancing

Three dimensional canvas on the surface of water
And allowed an array of communal artists to play out

An art work of the day: the shadows of the buildings
The sky splattered with fluffy white light clouds

The seagulls, the bridges and the ever chasing waves
Rippling out and the boats and ships all joined in.

Having taken all that into my areal being I carried on
Walking into the belly of the city where I work

Yet I carried something in my essence that had a fragrance
An areal touch of something that felt like almost a living thing

Inside that kept beating and singing a Serengeti sublime
And here it remains open to be taken for a ride at your leisure

Illumine My Ithaca : By Munayem Mayenin, Published by Imsonium Books,
ISBN: 978-1-4477-1776-8 First Published: February 2008, Second Edition: January 2009, Third Edition: April 2010, Fourth Edition: May 2011

Poetry is the Voice of Me in You and You in Me

Poetry is the speech that I do not get to make
And the love that I could not yet make with life
In the dreams that will yet have to unfold the secret landscapes yet to be seen

Poetry is more than the life I lived and less than
The life I yet aspire to arise out of what has and has not been
In the names of things poetry is the nameless nouns that yet to make the news

Poetry is beyond the definitions of defined space and time
Germinated seeds of my being unfurling the unfathomable
That I aspire to touch and magic sprinkle the whole spectrum

Poetry is my love and loss combined without any profits
And where I go and where I be and where not and pine and cry
Poetry chronicles me in you and you in me in dream you may yet to touch

Poetry pronounces what I do not think or may not have thought of yet
I be and not be poetry is before middle and after of my joys sorrows and living
Poetry is my first kiss imagined lived remembered in a rainbow dance and music

Poetry is joy raining with fun yet embedded with corals of cool breeze of sorrows
Here it is where there is yet to come and there it is where here yet to be borne
Poetry is life imagined lived and unlived by life's reality's shell but touched as lived

Poetry is the voice of me in you and you in me where music rests in metaphors
Dreams dreamt in joys and sorrows where agonies' beats-bones wear colours' coat
Poetry tries to sing a dance that stares at fate more or less defy itself in living the life

Illumine My Ithaca : By Munayem Mayenin, Published by Imsonium Books,
ISBN: 978-1-4477-1776-8 First Published: February 2008, Second Edition: January 2009, Third Edition: April 2010, Fourth Edition: May 2011

Illumine My Ithaca

We are luminous vulnerable creatures
Light-sands absorb our weights

We illuminate as we float light
On the infinite floating garden

Of the universe expanding
Perpetually through the space

Only I wish we had the sight
To see this big scale of things

Illumine my Ithaca! Illumine!
And let me take in the lumina!

And I shall make my maiden music
For a people who are all illumanate

We are all luminous vulnerable creatures
Illuminating things, nothing and space

Illumine my Ithaca! Illumine!
Let me walk towards you like lights

Let me learn the grammar of lights
And teach myself how to illumine

The very souls next to me by touching
And sing the melody so they can illumine

Me to ensure infinite darkness digress
Itself to finite infiniteness of our luminous spell

Illumine my Ithaca! Illumine!
Let me walk towards you like lights

Illumine My Ithaca : By Munayem Mayenin, Published by Imsonium Books,
ISBN: 978-1-4477-1776-8 First Published: February 2008, Second Edition: January 2009, Third Edition: April 2010, Fourth Edition: May 2011


I Give You Pentade

A Pentade
Half a decade of time’s silting on a rose-rise
Distilling on the essences of our definitions
Pentade time’s tangible a pen in your hand

I give you Pentade
A pen held between your thumb and pointer
A silverine ray of light a spread of your smile
Write away your beats bones marks and sparks

Poets’ Letter’s ellspread that always sung you
Despite the seize paper cuts scaffoldings rising
To risk to raise you moonrises and dawnblooms

I give you Pentade
You in plentitude of a song in a Laranskan Plane
My face on Earth a glistening enigma in the eyes
On my back the Sun a constant sung lightplosion

I who is but liberty’s notes and standard’s silk
At least that’s where the flours dough me out
But it is you in the Laranskan Plane that I sing

I give you Pentade
Despite the seize paper cuts scaffoldings rising
To risk to raise you moonrises and dawnblooms
Do sing imsidina songs and say I imsimaiz yona

O Rain La Rain : By Munayem Mayenin, Published by Imsonium Books
ISBN: 978-1-4477-1942-7, First Published: February 14, 2010

An Eternal Phoenix

I am an eternal phoenix
With my silky velvety feathers soft
Yet they are my steel mechanics
Of perpetual motion and rhythm
Do not write me off
For do know I shall rise up again
And I can do that in infinite numbers

I am an eternal phoenix
With my key ring holding a rainbow
That muses around melody and music
That can touch you love and care
That can touch you silky kisses in burning diamond
I can touch you back to life
And you rise up to dance
And open the windows of adventures in your fingers
And your palm lines become rippling rivers
Sparkling water and waves craft music day and night
Do not write me off
For do know I shall rise up again
And I can do that in infinite numbers

I am an eternal phoenix
With my heart as old as the silver moon
That holds a melancholy tune in mute
Which I can hold still in my ears in moonlit nights
And a mind as young as a daffodil in young early spring
I can count colours into music
And music in colours poetry in hear beats
When you touch me with overwhelming warmth
Kisses and caresses become nocturnal bliss
And they resemble tropical rain in the green
Sparkling rain water crystal liquid diamonds
Floating over your silky smooth skin
Where I can and do paint a passion-painting
With the colours and pastel of my countless kisses
Do not write me off
For do know I shall rise up again
And I can do that in infinite numbers

I am an eternal phoenix
I take you to a long walk in shadowy afternoon
That turns out to be sunny in sunshine-rain
That wets us with closest of warmth
I offer my hand to you
You offer yours to me
And I can hear the beats between two entwined hearts
And you look up with petals of wonder in your eyes
I then see a black rainbow shines in your black hair
In various shinny shades of black
In the wind that brings the stories of the waves
Of the Southern ocean
Where mermaids’ water dance calls us
Towards a dance held between our eyes
Do not write me off
For do know I shall rise up again
And I can do that in infinite numbers.

The Geography of Time : By Munayem Mayenin, First Published: By Publish America, LLLP, Baltimore, 2005. Second Edition: Published by Imsonium Books, ISBN: 978-1-291-10665-7, October 11, 2012


I Follow You

I follow you
Follow you wherever you go
But trust me
I do not stalk you
For I am you-bound
For your beauty that you carry around you
Keep me spell bound

I follow you wonderstruck
The way the moon follows the earth
I cannot but follow you
Since you are so beautiful
Whatever you put on to dress

You dazzle me in your Kashmiri dress
When you stand at the valley of snow and flora
You look like red in fire
You make the valley sing
I follow you

I follow you when you dance
Wearing Kurdish dress
With sparkling diamonds embroidered in your body
The music makes you float in the air
You command the sense of thrill
Around the room where people sit

I follow you when you wear African dress
Suddenly the rainbow decides to come down to earth
And wrap your body so that you feel light
You walk in rhythm in the high street
Africa goes shopping with you
I follow you wonderstruck

I follow you when you go picking up flowers
In the snowy mountain valley of Canada
Your warm clothes shine as summer's pools
I follow your white bare hands and the red rose it holds
How can I not follow you around?

I follow you when you stand beneath the olive tree
In the dusk where dust welcome the scarlet evening
And your eyes dream of dreams
Of future that might soon come to kiss you alive
I follow you into the night where you sing
You sing your songs of joys and silky dreams

I follow you in Egypt
I follow your steps around the historic place
And see how wonder paints your eyes
And how you look so part of the time and space
Yet you are the one that has no comparison

I follow you in colours painted sarees
In Asian weddings
When your youthful eyes sparkle like young does
And your churees play tunes of light but sincere joy
I follow you

I follow you in the Roma Village
Where you entertain your colours
Where you paint your passion of freedom
Out onto the sky
The sky that reflects your mind

I follow you in the Indian valley of whisper and humanity
I see feathers and colours becoming brothers and sisters
I name myself falling feather with a song
I follow you
Wherever you go
I follow you wonderstruck

I follow you in Florence and Rome
In evening when young blood feels passion
And sit beside the summer vine full of green bursting
Your lips red with red wine summer
I follow you wonderstruck

I follow you in Benin
Wearing sunshine's dress in weary summer
Yet shining as though you are the one
With dreams to spare
I follow you

I follow you
When you speak French
And your tongue becomes juicy vine's intoxicated harvest
And Paris goes mad and drunk
And you sing your heart out

I follow you by the Volga
With your dreams walking with your shadow
Your steps create a symphony
I follow your rosy cheeks
And the wonder bound passion you hold in your heart

I follow you across the globe
In Vienna and Frankfurt
I follow you in Durban and Delhi
I follow you in Shanghai and Cairo
I follow you in every rose and river
I follow you in every mood and melody
I follow you wonderstruck

Poetica Rainbow Ryder : By Munayem Mayenin, ISBN: 978-1-4477-1879-6
First Published: August 2004, Second Edition: May 2011


A Made Up Woman

I see you a wholesome togetherness
That speaks in fulsome completeness
Where speech is no longer necessary:
You, like the way sky dips into water,

Negating the space, walk past. Ease
Narrates your silence-phosphorescence.
Evaporating the space you reach peace
That’s like February’s laurel-sun-lights.

Your hair glows, flowing outward: rhythm,
Floral, fragrant they are air’s aerogramme:
Your smiles beat the dictionary of pearls.

Your lush lips fail a heart, aqua-crystal-eyes
Read and speak. Your mind is where care
And beauty blend in warmth: open, whole.

Prometheus and Orpheus : By Munayem Mayenin, Published by Imsonium Books, ISBN: 978-1-4477-1477-4, First Published: July 2008, Second Edition: January 2009, Third Edition: April 2010, Fourth Edition: May 2011


VIII London Poetry Festival 2021: October 14-15




To My England

My England takes off her land embroidered dress
And goes swimming wild in style soft and swift

She touches round all corners in watery craft
And is all sure and glow a gentle rock that holds

My England is bound in voyage-vision’s terms
Abound she spells the multiple in a single rose

She is a poem written by green moss on white cliffs
Serenaded by creamy summer’s sun or April’s showers

My England weaves magic beyond man’s limitations
Where we find living is as much as letting others live

She is a cuddled up baby in water-mother’s womb
And she speaks to me in moonsphorescent a tongue

My England meets and greets our mother with joy
In her palms she holds an all abound arcadia wrapped

My England takes off her land embroidered dress
And goes swimming wild in style soft and swift

To My England: From Neverbridge Stone Roses: Munayem Mayenin, London, United Kingdom: ISBN: 978-1-4477-1626-6: First Published: February 2008: Second Edition April 2010: Third Edition: May 2011. Added to the Bank on June 07:2017








Year Eighth: Day 360: Tuesday: September 19: 2023: The Humanion: We Are One











Life's Laurel Is You In One-Line-Poetry A Heaven-Bound Propagated Ray Of Light Off The Eye Of The Book Of Life: Love For You Are Only Once






I Question Therefore I Learn


Life: You Are The Law The Flow The Glow: In Joys In Hurts You Are The Vine-Songs On The Light-Trellis


A Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd Publication: Support The Foundation

VIII London Poetry Festival 2023: October 14-15 

End Homelessness The Humanion Campaign: Because Right to a Home for Every Human Soul is a Foundational Human Right






A: Absolute Right to Live in Clean, Healthy, Safe and Natural Environment: B: Absolute Right to Breathe Natural, Fresh, Clean and Safe Air: C: Absolute Right to Necessary Nutritional Balanced Food and Drink: D: Absolute Right to Free Medical Care at the Point of Need: E: Absolute Right to an Absolute Home: F: Absolute Right to Free Degree-Level Education and Life Long Learning: G: Absolute Right to Guaranteed Social Care: H: Absolute Right to a Universal Income: I: Absolute Right to a Job: J: Absolute Right to Dignified Civic and Human Funeral Paid Through by Universal Income







The Humanion


















































































































































































































































































































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|| All copyrights @ The Humanion: London: England: United Kingdom || Contact: The Humanion: editor at || Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd: elleesium at || Editor-In-Chief: Munayem Mayenin || First Published: September 24: 2015 ||
|| Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd: A Human Enterprise: Registered as a Not For Profit Social Enterprise in England and Wales: Company No: 11346648 ||